Thursday, March 1, 2012

Learning not to share

Just about the first thing you learn in pre-school is how to share nicely.  I constantly hear all my friends with small children saying things like "share your toys" or "what lovely sharing you are doing" etc.

However as you grow older you realise there are times when it is just fine not to share.  Like when you have managed to get your hands on the last piece of our famous secret recipe family birthday cake.  This cake is so legendary that even my sleep in loving boyfriend will get up early to have a piece (we eat it for breakfast on birthdays - I know, my family is awesome).  As a result it is very rare that any of it makes it to the second day.  That a piece survived three days is almost unimaginable.

I did honestly consider sharing this with S when Mum informed me it was up for grabs.  But I caved to the deliciousness and just ate it myself.  And it was awesome, I don't regret it at all.

The recipe is a family secret.  The claim to fame is that it is in fact the original sachertorte recipe.  I don't know about that, but I do know that it is one of those things that we keep precious, so in the spirit of this post, I won't be sharing the recipe!


  1. I don't blame you, that looks delicious!

    1. The top which starts out as a sort of crisp meringue crust had gone a bit soft but it was soooo yummy.

  2. hahaha love this post. I totally want the recipe but totally understand :)
    Heidi xo

    1. Well I can tell you it isn't economical to make. The ingredients include 7 eggs whites and 300g of chocolate!

  3. 7 egg whites and 300g chocolate?! An impressive cake indeed! Clearly well worth not sharing - I will say that's a stance I've adopted quite well with chocolate as I've gotten older ;)

    1. Yup, even after S found out about my cake betrayal of him, I still don't feel at all guilty about eating the whole piece myself!

  4. *laughs* I've never actually understood keeping recipes secret, or giving recipes with wrong ingredients, but each to their own! You can be the This Cake Master of the Universe ;)

    1. I know, I usually don't keep recipes secret, share them all I say. But I am not the owner of this one, it is a family thing so I do need respect that. However it is also very true that this recipe is nearly always only eaten by members of the family, so the recipe sharing issue doesn't arrive very often (unless I'm blogging it of course).
