Thursday, August 2, 2012


Our last week in Copenhagen was quite cool.  "It is good" I told S as we put jackets on over t-shirts "we will be all aclimatised for when we get home".  WRONG!  A nippy breeze and grey skies do not aclimatise you for -5 degree mornings and days where the apparent temperature is 4.5.  The weather man tells me that this is a particularly cold winter and my toes tell me that too as they struggle to thaw out.

But every year at this time, when I'm feeling like it will never warm up again, spring starts to raise its head.  I've spotted the first blossom trees, the daffodils by my front window are budding up and the wattle is coming out.  Spring is coming, I've just got to survive the rest of winter first!


  1. Thank you for this much needed reminder that Spring is around the corner! I've been getting increasingly grumpy at the never-ending cold miserable winter weather, so this was exactly what I needed! :)

    1. I know those cold grumps, I had them this morning when I realised I had forgotten my gloves again. Glad this gave you spring hope!

  2. Oh, it's like we live in different countries entirely! After nearly achieving the driest July on record, winter only seems to have hit Perth this week. Definitely no signs of spring just yet!

    1. I got home tonight to find our first daffodil is out! A little early if you ask me, it is meant to be -2 tonight and -5 tomorrow night!
