Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Spring has sprung!  Everywhere around me I can see new fresh green leaves, the soft colours of blossom, happy faces of daffodils, birds flying by with absurdly long twigs for nest building. And bliss, oh such bliss, the days are getting warmer and longer.

Every spring I feel a sense of relaxing just a little.  It is like the muscles in my body are unclenching after trying to resist the long cold winter.  Going about my everyday chores somehow seems easier when I don't have to put on a parka to go out to the clothes line and the work day seems shorter when I get to go home in daylight.

But one of my absolute favourite things at this time of year is the influx of fresh produce, notably this year being the amazing abundance of delicious strawberries!  Each sweet mouthful is bursting with flavour.  I can almost feel the vitamins and goodness entering my body.  Much as apples and mandarins have been lovely, morning tea is suddenly a whole lot more exciting with strawberries on my plate.

What are you loving about the arrival of spring?


  1. What a gorgeous deep red those strawberries are!

    I am LOVING Spring so much. The sunshine is fantastic to take Rocket to the park to play fetch. And my newly planted herbs are thriving with all this sunshine! Love love love.

    1. There are still a few too many frosts to plant herbs here Cat, although I'm considering rigging up some kind of mini greenhouse and planting early.

  2. I'm loving the sun and the strawberries as well!

    SSG xxx

  3. SUNSHINE!! (Sorry, I'm probably starting to sound like a broken record ...) :)

    1. I will happily play that record with you CheezyK. It feels like we are slowly leaving the ice age this year!

  4. yay for strawberries!!! I'm excited for the air starting to smell warm & floral. it smells like happy :)
    Heidi co

    1. Oh I totally agree. I am enjoying wandering around and sniffing!
