Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November 1 and I'm still frocking up

It is the first of November and I'm wearing ... a frock!  I know, several people have already informed me that I no longer have to wear dresses, I think they are missing the point that I'm still allowed to wear them when I want to, they are just no longer compulsory.

Anyway, while today is the first of November it is also Melbourne Cup day.  For those international readers (I know there are a few), the Melbourne Cup is a horse race that has somehow attained the status in Australia as the race that stops the nation.  Melbourne gets a public holiday, everywhere else office productivity drops as people pop out to place a bet, office sweeps are conducted, lunches are held as are hat competitions and many other diversions.  My office isn't big into all those things but we will stop to watch the race and I always insist on wearing a fascinator.  I love hats but they make answering the phone difficult, so a fascinator is the practical office option for cup day.

Anyway even if the rest of the crew doesn't get into the spirit of the day, I like to dress up, which for me most definitely involves wearing a dress and a giant flowery/feathery thing on my head.

This is a shot from last year, hence the different hair style but you can get a better idea of my giant flowery headwear, ideally suited to the office environs.


  1. Frocking up is now part of your routine :P hehe

    I doubt I'll watch the race, I never do, I just enjoy the day off :D

  2. Oh Shellie, I was a frocker long before Frocktober, but you are right I am rather in a habit now!

  3. I really think I should try to care more about Melbourne Cup. I remember finding it fun at school (time out of class is always fun) but these days I don't seem to have any enthusiasm for it. I'd take the holiday if I lived in Victoria though :P

  4. Kari I embrace any opportunity to wear a big flowery thing on my head. I went out at lunch and loved seeing all the women walking around with hats and fascinators on. They look gorgeous.

  5. I so want to start wearing my dresses more, but I'm a wimp when it comes to my office's freezing temperatures! Love the fascinator; it actually looks gorgeous rather than insane, like so many others :P

  6. Cardigans Hannah, you need cardies. I always have one, plus I also have a spare emergency old one that lives in the office. I have been known to wear two at once when the boys set the aircon to freezing.

  7. You look so pretty & perfectly festive! Good work for getting into the spirit, even at work. I'm incredibly impressed :)
    Heidi xo
